Monday, June 30, 2008

Catching Frogs

It was pretty exciting around here for awhile as the kids caught their first frog this week...

David with his prize catch
Kate was pretty exciting too about the 'fwaggy'
it took awhile, but Bella actually caught him and held him
and David too!

Beachin' it in York

On Friday the kids & I joined Jody & Jill and kids up at their auntie's cottage on the coast of Maine... it is an amazing place right there on the beach... beautiful! It was a gorgeous beach day and the kids had a blast. Yes we were there on the beach too but have made a 'blog truce'. No pictures ;)

All the kids digging in

Breanna & Kate
let the picture tell the story...
The cottage
just the cutest picture of Kyle...
10:00 p.m. and kids are fighting sleep!
Some of the kids with Aunt Vivian... thanks so much for the super day!!
After the beach, we brought Braden home with us and Bella went over to Breanna's for a sleepover. When we got home on Saturday urday afternoon Daryl & Lin came over for a visit...
does this girl ever take a bad picture?
lots of hugging going around
boys will be boys
Kaylise and David having fun
Sunday morning... what handsome guys!!!
Braden decided to squat down a little cause 'he was alot bigger!'
For lunch on Sunday we had a little picnic!
Kate enjoying a banana
Kate & Braden playing in the van

Shelby's Birthday Party

Sunday afternoon it was off to Shelby's 3rd birthday party... lots of fun playing outside and enjoying cake & icecream! Happy Birthday!!
Molly & Kate
Shelby & David
Opening presents

Girls eating out
Sweet little Shilo
and another little princess... Shalyn
Shelby goofing off

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Beach Days

This week we had a bunch of hot, sunny days... so, what else do you do but go to the beach! We spent a couple days at Hampton beach, where the kids 'really' tried out the boogie boards. The water was cool the first day, then another current must have come in because the second day, it was frigid!! Didn't seem to stop the kids though.

Don't worry, this isn't all the pictures from the beach... my camera battery is dead, so will download the rest and share some more. Yesterday we went to Wells, Maine with Jody, Jill and the kids. There was lots and lots of fun had there... more photos to come...

Kate and the crab on Hampton beach...
Bella and her new board
and David
Kate digging

The kids spent alot of time digging for crabs and starfish, or whatever poor creature that happened to escape the voyage out to sea with the tide.

Are we having fun yet?

We got our porch poured last week, and I was finally inspired to get some flower pots filled!
Here's a closeup of the 'exposed aggregate' porch.

...and a couple princess's (however you spell that!)

Visit from Uncle Steve

Mike's brother came up to visit us (from Oklahoma - we won't hold it against him!) We gave him a quick trip around to check out some local sites... Thanks for visiting us!

Steve in front of the 2 lifeguards
running on the beach
sitting high
Bella's photography again...

and again...
They got new Boogie boards at the Trading Post in Kittery. In order to see if they worked, you have to put your bathing suit on and try them on the rug first.
Piggy back ride from sis
too cool
2 cool too!
another passenger they look alike??
... well?
getting bam-barted