Thursday, August 28, 2008

First day of Kindergarten

So here it is... the first day of school for the next 15 or so years. There was much excitement, a few tears, a missing school bus, lonely siblings and by the end of the day... a tired girl!

Getting excited at breakfast...
All ready to meet the bus

new backpack
with David & Kate
Waiting for the bus

...but the bus was very late, so we thought we might have missed it and just drove her into school...
arriving in the classroom
waving goodbye!!
A very excited reunion at home! (go figure!)...and then we played school
So.... on DAY 2.... we tried the bus again, and this time we successfully caught it!

David plopped himself down on the grass and said he was going to wait for Bella to get home!
We planted a tree yesterday to remember her first day of school hasn't grown yet.

Misc. Photos...

Here are those missing misc. photos - mostly from my phone - from over the past couple weeks...

playing princess
David's favourite cereal - 3x/day
A shopping experience

Waiting for dad in the Costco parking lot...
just monkeying around

fresh strawberry pie... oh I want another one now! ;)
getting cozy :)
my 4 dependants
and the other kid
David & froggy & Willy
Bella & Breanna at the beach
the crazy boys
sun bathers..... oooo, it was bright!
the gang at the beach
Miss Kate
and again
David & Breanna at the playground
Kate climbing up
chopsticks in hand for our Asian night! :()

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Summer's End

Yes, I'm slipping. I haven't blogged for 2 weeks. We have been so incredibly busy, I just haven't had time. Between the beach and the... ok, I'm just lazy.

Kate is a grouchy 2 year old. Life is not fair. David is his usual happy self. Teaching Kate to be miserable because he thinks it's funny when she tries to bite him for not sharing his toys. Bella is extremely excited about the start of school tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow... just ONE MORE SLEEP!! On Sunday she said "I can't wait for tomorrow, because it's just two more sleeps!!!" How can one person be so excited and me, well, not so excited... I had these children thinking they'd be with me forever, and then they go and tell me they need an education. And I suppose you're gonna tell me they won't want to live with me forever!

Just wondering... do you think that somewhere out there, that there's a boarding school for little temperamental 2 year olds? I think I'd be willing to give up our house and car in order to pay for such a place for her.... hummmm....

Well, I can't wait for tomorrow. Not.

Willy is still alive.

We're looking forward to Rachel coming on Friday!!!

A real mix of photos over the past couple weeks...

...and I will have more, but first I need my hubby to download them off my phone for me.

Here Mike is lining up for a landing in Boston...

...right over the cruise ship!
Looking a little mischievous!

When the kids get a hold of the camera, I usually end up erasing the 52 photos they have taken (usually of the floor and household objects), then yell at them... "don't touch the camera!!" Well I had to laugh at the following pictures David took of himself & Kate... and THEN I yelled.. "don't touch the camera!"
he captured Kate reading a story

Bella with her camera pose
and David with some bucket of surprises... usually little 'toads' (not frogs!)
Kate's favourite spot.... washing her hands, and face, and floor, and walls... you get the picture...
a ride to meeting

...and another few pictures taken by Bella.
Last Sunday Kevin spent the day with us while the rest of his crew was at convention
and a charming picture of Mike
This is what I deal with every day...

"No picture MEEEEE"
... I caught her one morning talking to 'grandma' on her little phone
Oh, is that a smile I see??? Is she actually content with life, if but for a moment!!
I added a little zebra print in the living room (which you can hardly see, but I tried!)
Getting ready to go shopping
no, the balloons stayed home... and I only had to ask once!!
braised red cabbage... it was just such a pretty picture, the green apples matched the pot (yes, only I would think of that!)
Last week was a Kindergarten Kick-off Party for Bella, complete with a fun ride on the bus. Here they are getting all lined up...
our little school girl.... WAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Dale & Laura, Austin & Bronson stopped by on Saturday for supper...