Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Beach'n It

We have enjoyed some really hot days here recently, and we made us of one of them by heading to the beach with Kevin & Jody. The kids had fun playing in the water & sand, making sand castles, and smushing them as fast as they were made. 'Some' made it into the fridged water, while some of us decided it was nice to keep our toes warm in the sand. Kate turned out to be quite the little surfer girl, really enjoying the board. The kids found some clams and some tiny little fishy's in a pool of water on the beach. After spraying a yard of sand off each kid, we packed 'em up and headed home for supper. Fun day!

Little buddies
Are we having fun yet?
Surfs up!
Breanna pulling Bella in the waves.
Braden with Kate
Love this picture!
Healthy appetites after a day in the sun...
Opps, I didn't get any pics of me at the beach...

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