Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Special Visits

Last week I had girls night out at our home... we had 13 gals sitting around the table sharing some laughs & feasting. I wanted to have a spring feel to it, so I made an attempt to put together some floral arrangements to brighten the mood. Then we had the workers for a couple of nights which is always a special time and the kids are so excited to have them here.

These first 2 snapshots struck me funny... that's our Miss Kate...
...favourite meal of the day (actually, it's about 3 times a day!)

Girls night out...
and again...
David sitting on the island
mama feeding my little monkey... again!
and our special visitors this week...

Now don't you love it when the kids learn how to take pictures all by themselves... you wouldnt' believe all the pictures I find on the camera (unknown to me!)... I'll share a few...
self portrait I guess
and one of dad...

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