Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Festivities

This past weekend, we had a fun couple days over at Milford... we had a Halloween party/potluck at the 'barn' on Friday night where we all dressed up in costume, ate lots of good food, had a hayride & fireworks (thanks Eric & Lori!) and a tour through a scary dark maze!! It was a lot of fun!! The next day was followed with more good eats over at Kevin & Jody's where we had a fun day with a bunch of young families. My favourite part was hide & seek on the buggies!! Here are some pictures (backwards) of our day on Saturday at Kevin & Jody's first, followed by our party on Friday night... Laura holding Shalyn

The buggy full of boys...
Mr. David all bundled up
Laura & Shelley carting around the girls
Brad was my crazy driver... we did have a great hiding spot, however we were anxious to be found as he had us buried in mud up to the axle. Good one Brad.

Calista hanging out as we were waiting to be found
Later in the day, we had a little baby shower for Shelley who is expecting a boy in a few weeks.

The gals...
And here we are on Friday night at the Halloween party....

The 2 Sarah Palins...
Nerd #1 Alan
Nerd #2 Kevin
Arden & Bella
Jody, Lori & Deanna
Breanna, Ellie & Ava
scariest costume winner....
Kate & David eating off of Aiden's plate
Calista & Lily
Here we are bundled up for the hayride
and enjoying the fireworks...
Shelley, the ipod gal
Miss Molly
McCain & Palin

Sarah & Mark

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