So we're sick
I wish I had a better memory (what was I going to tell you about...??) Oh yeah, the kids are always saying things that make me grin (well, not always. Ha.), and I wish I would write them down before I totally forget everything! Like Bella telling me that she is going to live with me forever, and she's going to fly with daddy and be a girl that works on the airplane. Work with day, live with mom. That sounds like fun!
Bella wants me to play with her, I'm supposed to sit down in her office (bedroom). So I told her I had to clean up her 'office' (toys all over), before I played with her. She soon came to help (like she usually does), and said ..."somebody made a big mess in my office, I have to clean up the mess... those democrats did it." I'm like, democrats?? where do you get democrats? She just said, "I don't know why they made this mess.... " ...too much political talk in our house?? not by me! :)
David is very proud how big he is. "I can do it, I can do it..." and the other day he was telling me he could do something for me cause "I'm sizer than Bella."
Kate's not needing to talk much yet... her favourite is 'out' whether it's up, down, out, in, basically just the need to be moved. Still likes saying 'be-be' (potty), and 'mama' - even while referring to dada. She will pretty much repeat anything you say cause we usually laugh and she likes being funny. Oh, and 'un-uh' (as in no), actually means yes! It's all a little confusing.
We have been sick this week, but things are looking up. We are down to one bottle of Amoxacillen and we actually have 1/2 box of kleenex left. We left the apartment today for 2 hours - first time since Saturday, and spent some time 'helping out' at the house. I'm sure Duane is grateful for every moment Bella spends overseeing his flooring job. The floors are looking great, the cabinets arrived yesterday (in boxes, so I can't even see them... humph), the painters are doing their rough work, and the tile guy is working away too. Looks like middle of March.
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