Friday, February 8, 2008

Birthday Party Week

It's birthday party season in New Hampshire... we were invited to Ellie's on Friday - we had to decline due to a snow/ice storm, Brody's on Tuesday and Ethan's on Thursday. In between, mom & dad came through on their way home from Florida, and stayed for '2 sleeps'. We sent them off in another snowstorm, but they ended up running into clear weather by the Mass. border. Kids were excited to see them, but it wasn't long enough!

Kids are finally over their colds, but I'm still hanging on to mine (week 2)... why give up on a good thing. It's cold, it's been snowing lots, and what the heck did that groundhog say about spring... anyone know?

Kate loves to get her hair washed - well loves to lather up her hair, or David's or Bella's... we sing a little song 'rubby-dub-dub, rubby-dub-dub..." and she sings along and giggles.

Brody's 5th birthday... this gives you an idea of the amount of kids and if you close your eyes I'm sure you can hear the noise!
Cute snowman cake...
Grammy & Grampy
Kate waving goodbye from the window, and the kids helping clean snow
Mike & the kids cleaning of the van
Ethan's 5th birthday...
Kate & Aiden
Ethan's pirate cake!
girls looking at the 'booty'
the Timm's

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