Saturday, September 8, 2007

Political Me

So tonight after supper I decided I had to go to the grocery store - we are having our workers here tomorrow. Mike asked me to stop by the lot so he could have a picture to study of how the house looks today. I took some pictures and started for the grocery store. About 1 mile down the road the police had the road blocked off - a storm had passed through shortly before and there must have been trees on the road. So I turned around and took an alternate route to the store. Well, more police! This time they were directing traffic in and out a political event... I looked over and saw 'Fred Thompson 2008' on the side of a bus. Now I'm not sure what made me pull in, but I did. This may seem funny to anyone who knows my political side - or lack of it! I really just thought my husband would think it funny, and managed to snap a couple photos and yes, I shook his hand. Yes, he thought it was cool - I even think he was a little jelous :o) So don't think I've gone all political on you, I don't even know who's Republican & who's a Democrat - I think the Conservative/Liberal thing is easier to remember, eh!

Kate earlier at breakfast this morning
And the dormers are on the house -this picture is taken from the road

So I know I'm getting popular at this... remember last summer when I got up close and personal with Stephen Harper (that our Canadian Prime Minister, for those of you who don't know!)
...and tonight...
Thanks for looking right at me Mr. Thompson :o) (yes, it's very humid out tonight)
I think he was waving to me out the back window...

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