Saturday, September 22, 2007

Mike finally did it!

After much thought and serious peer pressure, Mike finally took Kevin's beauty out for a ride!!!! Sorry boys, the answer is still no!

In other news.... we helped celebrate Bradens 5th birthday last night. The kids always have a blast getting together for a party! Lots of kids, lots of presents, lots of cake and lots of fun... Bellas got to stay for the weekend for another sleepover with her friend Jody... I mean Breanna. As we were saying goodbye to Bella last night I said "I'm gonna miss ya", to which she replied "I'll miss you too... but I'll call you tomorrow to see if you're ok." Then she proceeded to tell me " be good too." ...when will she ever grow up?

Check out Bella's weekend on Kevin & Jody's blog...

The roof is starting to get shingled this week, windows & doors coming next week, the porch is starting to get framed and the interior walls go up next week. It's moving right along... will we be in by Christmas??? :o

Miss Kate with her favourite puppy towel
Pushing her brother around Learning how to write in 'school'

Bella got a new bike this week, and is joined by her little friends Daisy & Robbie
David on his racing machine (wouldn't Uncle Donny be proud!)

For those of you who haven't been here, this is our apartment...well, just the bottom floor!
A view from the top... Bella peeking out her bedroom window
How come nobody ever takes me up?' Getting a little more adventuresome
View from the drivewayFarmers porch starting to get framed, and shingles on the garage
Hold on, sit down, it's a chimney!
Braden with his presents... it took him FOREVER to open them! :)
Grandpa very enthusiastic about his grandson 'finally' adding some green to his collection.
Happy Birthday to you...
Licking off the candles... why is that so fun? They get all the icing they want on their peice of cake! All the kids...
The little troops on the way home... David's sword in hand to slay any dragons we might encounter on the way!

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