Way behind...
...but it's not my fault - personally - it's my computers fault... a faulty USB port! humph, I finally got out my tweezers and fixed it. I'm my own Geek Squad ;)
So what's new??? Kate is becoming a little singer... she sings along with us at lunch time... "day by day..." and "ABC's" and "twinkle, twinkle" and "Edleweiss" ...I really am quite amused by her :) She continues to ham it up by acting silly - making faces, jumping, falling, twirling, anything to make us laugh at her. Yes, she still says 'no' for 'yes' and 'no' for 'no'. It's quite simply confusing. David & Bella were excited to go to school tonight. They had a kindergarden openhouse at the school and they all got to check out the classroom... David: "can we go to Bella's school again tomorrow?"
Mom & Dad came to visit last week for a whole 6 days! that's quite an accomplishment to get dad to stay away from home for over 3 days! We had a good time... well, actually we put them to work. Dad helped Mike with a little to-do list and mom helped me inside making curtains and putting up a bunch of them. Sure appreciated the help... wonder why they won't be coming back soon... hummm....
Bella relax'n with Grandma
The kids 'helping' grandpa & daddy hook up the woodstove in the basement... you can imagine how much their help was appreciated! Riding the scooter around the racetrack in the basement
snuggling up to grandma
Kate watching daddy & grandpa burning the brush out back
Kate checking out the sewing machine
Grandma & Kate sewing curtains
ready for meeting
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